Summer vacation may be in full swing but it is also time to think about Clothe-A-Kid for the 2024-2025 school year. Students from Kindergarten through Senior in the Lead/Deadwood Schools are eligible for assistance in obtaining new clothing to start the new year in style! Kindergarten through 12th grade will be allowed to shop during scheduled times at Wal-Mart with a budget of $50.00 for Kindergarten through 4th grade and $65.00 for 5th through 12th. Shopping days will be Wednesday, August 14th and Thursday, August 15th.

Online registration begins May 30th through July 25th when the website will be discontinued. All registrations will be online. For exceptions, please call Sue Holloway. If students are to receive the Digger sweatshirt, the student must be registered by July 12h.

The majority of our funds come from churches and service organizations so that we may serve all students that register. Because we operate on the honor system, we do not require proof of need. For more information, please contact Sue Holloway at 605-920-7788.

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